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"Welcome Everyone!"
"Hi, I'm Moose Moose!"
♥ My friendship never fades, it simply changes shades ♥
| Our Mission:
To bring healing and love to those in need- To be a comforting place for the outcast, abused and broken hearted- All through the power of loving and understanding poetry-
Moose Moose the Moose is our beautiful stuffed animal, our inspiration and she represents the innocence of all of our children.
FOR: My Soldier ♥
Stinky Shoes please open up your mind -- and sit down your behind take off your invisible hat -- leave stinky shoes by the mat I can't do this alone -- please pick up your cellular phone I've found the answers to life -- please contact me on page five life, survival, laughter, healing -- these are all the cards i'm dealing
Does anyone out there understand "Quantum Poetics," because I do!!
Example: "These are imprints I uncovered from a love I had discovered"
This one's for you, "Society for Psychical Research" (I am "NOT" kidding)!!
I hope someone understands what I'm trying to say because a "Scientist" from the "Time" magazine totally dismissed me and my brainy parietal lobe!! (Hint, Hint)
♥♥ Screaming Thoughts From My Heart: ♥♥ (PLEASE pay attention -- I mean business)
HELP, I found "Quantum Metaphors." Help, what do I do? (seriously -- and no one believes me)!!
What do you do when you find answers to life? "Quantum Life" ♥ What do you do when all you know is love and healing? "Quantum Healing" ♥ What do you do when others need your help? "Quantum Help" ♥
What do you do when you know this is Amazingly Possible and don't know where to go?
Help, I found "Quantum Surrealism."
Does anyone out there hear this Brain-Child? (who literally has the brain of a child)
(Let Me Know If You Do -- I'm Waiting Here For You!!)
(and we don't bite)
"I had met the devil and I beat him with my heel He was always useless like a car without a wheel"
"When he (Satan) wore me out is when I tried another shoe Then I broke the cycle that had broken me in two"
(NOTE: Without an Enemy, There Is No Future!!)
Spirituality is my leader Reality is my dream Surreality is my fortitude Guiding me through this life
(See, I'm Serious!!)
"Ballet is how I dream Running is how I write"
(see below for more)
Dare if you're near For 'Quantum Energy' lives here
♥(seriously, we're really God's angels)♥
I'm Wired I'm a 'light source,' plug me in It's connected through my skin
"Quantum Life" is what I shout Surreality's my way out
Although you're far away I can bring you beyond today
I'd like for you to call For I'm wired through my soul
"I am powered full of surges and I can't control my urges, I try desperately to live, happiness is when I give"
-Here's Another Poem- -About Tomorrow-
Eternal Bliss I was furious one day I said, “Why am I here" Leading me to draw a path It’s how I disappear
I have seen the planets Far beyond the deep abyss Bringing me a little closer To eternal bliss
I am never lost I found exactly how to grow God became a part of me I’ll never let Him go I no longer ache inside No matter what the care I have found my answer It is when I said a prayer
(SEE, I'M SERIOUS now my parietal lobe is really going to implode!!) 
(now I'm a Victorian Poet like Tennyson/Browning)
Trapped outside a prison Where the silence sings Begging for forgiveness While his temper swings
Tugging on her armor As the daylight dries Sobbing in the darkness Quietly she lies
Blotching up her body Gripping all her strings Perfect like a flower But his pollen stings
Sealed inside her body All the bloody cries Screaming at the honeycombs Floating in the skies
"Welcome to My World"